Month: July 2010

  • Saturday!

    It’s Saturday!  Today is foot doctor day at work so I am scheduled at 8 or 8:30.  I’m choosing 8:30.  I don’t really like feet so this assignment is a little repugnant to me, but I’ll muddle through.
    I’d like to go for a drive this afternoon, so maybe I’ll call Mom and see if she has plans.  We could drive somewhere and get some supper and catch up.  It’s been a couple of months since we’ve had a chance to do that. 
    My niece gets married next Sunday.  My husband never wears anything but jeans. (he wore jeans to our wedding, but then again, so did I)
    I bought a nice pair of slacks for him and had him try them on and, geez, he dresses up good!  I’ll take pics next week and post them.  I’d like to get one of us together.  The only one I have together is from our reception 21 years ago.
    Roger and Ali are supposed to go, also.  I hope they can, for she is great with child.  But too cute!
    Well, better go get ready for work.

  • weekly photo challenge

    I missed this a lot!  This week’s challenge is self portrait.  This one is of me from my computer. 

  • a rant

    Hello xanga friends!  It has been a lonnnng time since I’ve visited.  I have a few things I want to get off of my chest.

    First, a little complaint about a social networking site.  My friend got kicked off because she requested to friend the ex-girlfriend of her grandson!  I believe she had no ill intent.  We will not know for sure, because instead of ignoring the request the young lady in question turned my friend in to the powers-that-be who yanked my friend’s privileges. Not fair!

    Second, another friend had a family “problem” that has me questioning my friend’s true Christian beliefs.  I know it is not my place to judge or be vindictive  but having been on the receiving end of her judgement, I can’t help myself.  This woman portrays the salt of the earth lifestyle yet does not seem to be able to forgive a family member for a past indiscretion.  It is like the relative put some dirt on the surface of her nice clean cloak of righteousness.  She forgets it all washes out.

    Third, this friend also got me thinking of a conversation we once had about “evil” computers.  I liked ‘em, she wouldn’t bring that evil into her home.  To me, computers are like guns- it all depends how you use them.  I don’t have a gun in my house because I am doppy.  I would probably blow my big toe off and end up TOTALLY off balance.  That is my choice.  If other people have guns, so be it.  That doesn’t stop me from liking them.  This friend thought that since I am computer literate that I was inviting the devil into my home.  She actually said that to me! I refrained from telling her that since she had many guns in her house that he was also abiding there, because I don’t believe that.  There is enough evil lurking out there in the world that I don’t have to go looking around every corner  for it.  I have myself armored with my belief and pray that is enough.

    Okay…I seem to be all better now.  Have a wondrous day!