Month: September 2006

  • Return of the tater!

    I have returned. After a busy summer, i am looking at a fall that will also be busy but i miss my Xanga friends.
    Now that is out of the way, I will get into what I really wanted to blog about today- Grey’s Anatomy.
    I love that show. I wish I were a writer on the show. Not that I can write for a show, but I would love to try on that one.
    I never watched it the first year it was on. I rarely watch regular television. A friend at work recommended it to me and it took me a few weeks to finally catch it. When I did tune in sometime in late January-early February, it was to see the episode entitled “As we Know It”. If you are also a fan, you might know this is the one where Meredith Grey is left holding her hand on a live bomb-like thing in a man’s chest. In the end, the bomb explodes in a pink mist. It blows up a bomb squad guy (or two) that the writers made into a real person.
    He was not entirely likable and you could feel the frustration of his job.
    Since that first incredible foray into Grey’s Anatomy I have not been disappointed and have recruited my husband, son and sister as well as a couple of co-workers into fans. I have both season one and two on DVD and have shared them freely.
    In one episode, I believe it was the same one, Meredith asks, “if you knew it was your last day to live, how would you spend it?” I thought of that today as I was driving my car to Canton. I just happened to be listening to a CD of songs from Grey’s Anatomy and I thought, “I would just like to spend my last day doing this.” The soundtrack on that show is phenomenal. Whoever picks the songs should get some award. The songs and the words always seem to fit the situations.
    Tonight is the beginning of season three. I have to work, but we have tivo and I can come home and watch it without the commercials, so it might be better this way. : )
    I’m not promising that I will never post about the show again, but at least it is out of my system for now. Thanks and stop by again.